Cub Kuker Supernatural—

Where Faith, Spirituality & Paranormal Combine.

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Supernatural Member Pass!

My Supernatural Member Pass is your ticket to unlock supernatural realms!

As a member, you will access unparalleled, research, information, and engagement to help you find truth on a supernatural level.

The Path of Supernatural Knowledge.

"Seek until you find. When you find, you will be disturbed. When you are disturbed, you will marvel, and rule over all"

- Jesus from the Gospel of Thomas


Dogma Liberation

Build a solid foundational belief system from the ground up on the truth and free yourself from the dogma of religion and society. This is the root of all.

5D Monetization

Adopt the "New Earth" economy of renewable and ethical buying, selling and trading by co-creating with the 5D earth frequency and sow seeds abundance.

Scriptural Exploration

Uncover profound truths by illuminating sacred texts like the "Holy Bible" the "Books of Enoch", "Sumerian Tablets" and more. Breathe new life into the ancient stories.

Spiritual Initiation

Triumph in spiritual battles by harnessing your HEART energy and claiming your authority as a spiritual warrior. The battle is won on the heart-seat throne of Christ.

Esoteric Conversation

Unlock the language of "Forbidden Knowledge", including esoteric symbolism and mythos, by effectively speaking your desires and creating into the dream.

Supernatural Imagination

Go beyond research to experience supernatural safely from a first person experience. There is no substitute for direct contact. Open your third eye.

God Activation

Learn to acknowledge, connect, feel, and channel the sacred "God-source" within you. Just as Jesus said "the Kingdom of God is within you". Wear your crown!


What's Inside?!

When you become a member, you will access a growing database of knowledge! As well as gain increasing access as an advanced member to vibrant discussions, and close mentorship with myself and others.


Jump on a weekly call with myself and our community as well as access the replays for those a busy schedule. These calls dive much deeper into the supernatural mysteries. This is your opportunity to ask questions, share opinions, and get to know others.

*Included with membership


Grassroots off-social feed of individuals learning and growing together. Access our Saturday live Zoom call discussions, which typically last between one and three hours.

*Included with membership


I have created dozens of courses and hundreds of unreleased videos to take you much deeper into the ancient mysteries. My platform is on demand and go at your own pace.

*Included with membership


My blog is regularly updated with sacred texts, my personal study notes, and special news articles pertaining to our modern world in the ancient mysteries, including prophetic updates.

*Included with membership


What People Are Saying

My students' success speaks volumes.

"If you have felt lost, outcast, or alone in your beliefs, then come and experience our virtual community. We love all, respect all, and accept all that are truly seeking the supreme source in all love. You can learn more about our origins and truths than anywhere else because Cub goes to the source."

Molli D.

"First opinion of Cub... Finally, somebody that thinks just like me. Finally, somebody's seeing the clear picture as I am trying to. Finally, somebody here that can help me put the puzzle together. He helps make sense of things I don't understand."

Merle C.

"This is the third online spiritual community I’ve chosen to become a part of. My experience here with Cub and this community has blown the other two out of the water. The overall feeling of love and acceptance permeates through every video, every comment, and every interaction."

Ashley W.

"Cub is a seeker of truth. Instead of accepting what is handed down to us through tradition, he questions and seeks beyond the status quo, as should we all. Cub shares what he finds, not from a position of authority but as a neighbor, that we may all rise to who we are born to be."

Martin H.

"Cub is an incredible leader that creates a safe environment for individuals to explore different religions. He is constantly studying ancient texts and new books to share with the group. He encourages everyone to ask questions and do their own research."

Shelly W.

"This community is open-minded and like-minded and has helped me look at all this stuff in a much wider perspective. The community I have found is very loving and intelligent and passionate about what they represent. I found Cub in the midst of really searching."

Michael A.

"Cub is genuine, knowledgeable and empowers others to see beyond limitations and dogma. He challenges us to keep moving forward in light and love towards all things; the community is caring and respectful of each other. I am able to gain insight, learn and develop online friendships."

Lissa H.

"I love Cub's passion for truth and his desire to bring others alongside him. His community is safe to explore one's self and encouraging to those experiencing doubt, confusion, or fear."

Heather C.

"You won’t find a more comprehensive course on finding yourself spiritually and the resources to become an amazing digital content creator."

Steven S.

About My Mission.

"I am an artist, director, musician, content creator, animal lover, nature enthusiast, and spiritual mystic. Ever since I was a kid, I have experienced the supernatural in ways I can't always explain. I am now using that experience to bring the sacred mysteries to life via retelling ancient stories through my content. Let's explore the unknown together." - Jacob Kuker (Cub)


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