About Cub Kuker Supernatural

Hi, I'm Jacob Kuker, but you might know me as Cub. I'm a content creator, spiritual teacher, and founder of Cub Kuker Supernatural. With over 700,000 followers online, I share a unique blend of spiritual philosophy, paranormal exploration, and metaphysical insights. My life's mission is to unveil the supernatural mythos of faith, spirituality, and the paranormal, offering an engaging and transformative experience for my audience.

Born on March 19, 1986, in Amarillo, Texas, my journey into the spiritual and supernatural began early. I was homeschooled from a young age, which allowed me to develop a deep curiosity and passion for the mysteries of the universe and sacred texts. By the age of 8, I was already teaching the Bible, demonstrating an early talent for interpreting and sharing profound spiritual insights.

My early dedication to spiritual teaching naturally progressed into a professional ministry career, where I spent nearly seven years working in various ministry roles. This experience provided me with a solid foundation in biblical teachings and a deeper understanding of spiritual and religious contexts, which I later integrated into my unique approach to spirituality and metaphysical exploration.

This journey led me to found Cub Kuker Supernatural, an initiative that encompasses the Cub Kuker Supernatural Mystery School. The Mystery School is a dynamic online space where members connect through weekly group Zoom calls, an off-social feed, daily supernatural chat topics, personal growth challenges, and more. Our community fosters a space of unity, curiosity, and resilience, encouraging members to unlock their consciousness by exploring ancient supernatural mysteries.

My commitment to exploring and sharing ancient wisdom is further exemplified through the Mystery School. Here, members have access to an extensive video library featuring unique spiritual philosophy, legacy teachings, and channeled messages. Recently, I've shifted my focus towards producing high-quality series akin to Netflix, with a new venture called the 'Mystery Vault,' where I delve into compelling topics and produce professional documentaries.

Known for my universalist perspective and non-religious approach, I redefine the concept of divinity, viewing it as a great spirit much like the beliefs of native tribes of America. My teachings and community foster a space of unity, curiosity, and resilience, encouraging members to unlock their consciousness by exploring ancient supernatural mysteries.

Through my engaging content, supportive community, and innovative educational resources, I strive to inspire and guide countless individuals on their spiritual journeys, helping them to embrace their 'main character' energy and transcend limiting beliefs.